Saturday, May 7, 2011

What To Do When Someone Is Aspirating

pond and waterfall in the garden.

On a hot day so want to swim or just sit in the shade of sun-protection system, for example, shed-type awnings, near the water. But most of the garden plots are located away from ponds and rivers, and swimming is only a dream. But what if you build a simple pond directly on my site? Ornamental pond with a diameter of two meters and a depth of 80-90 cm is easy to build one or two days. And the need for the construction of a plastic greenhouse film or roofing felt (for waterproofing), clay and sand .

Profile reservoir, "a". 1 - Facing Plate 2 - mortar screed 3 - tube drainage pipe with filter, 4 - stones rapids waterfall, 5 - a place of water from the hose; 6 - solution; 7 - drain hole 8 - drain pipe, 9, 10 - Concrete 11 - armatura.Ustroystvo pool, "6". 1 - pump, 2 - feeding tube, 3 - rapids waterfall, 4 - culvert; 5 - bowls with vodolyubivymi plants b - pump cable.
First, dig a pit a pond with a margin of 20-30 cm of its walls must be sloped. On Lay the bottom 10 - 15 cm layer of clay is well mashed and gently Smooth, slightly dampening with water. Let the clay dry out, then lay the second layer exactly the same thickness. Sprinkle on top of small gravel or pebbles, and, without waiting for drying, tamp the end face of the general board.
plastic film or roofing (roofing) will allow you to do without clay. The bottom of the pit pour a thin (6-8 cm) layer of sand and a few layers of Cover the film. Sprinkle on top shingle or gravel. Pool is ready. Of course, it do not really swim, but a dip in hot weather can be. And if obsadit its plants, shrubs, beautify major stones, your own pond will, perhaps, the cozy corner of the garden. Water is the easiest to coach or pouring buckets from a hose. Try to change it not less than two weeks. Otherwise, it will "bloom". If the body of most of the day under the sun, the water is rapidly warmed. And that it does not evaporate, pour in the water table pellets or small pieces of foam. This screen is not only will protect water from evaporation, but also serve as a heat protective "coat" and you will, at its discretion to regulate the temperature of water in the basin.
And here's another way. Cover the pool frame with a stretched polyethylene film. You can just pull it on the metal arc of the greenhouse. They are installed along the edges of the basin. The film will reliably protect the water from the heating or cooling and do not let her escape.
If you will not regret it work, then we can construct a swimming pool, like the corner of mountainous country - from alpine plants, rocky landscape and the whole system falls. Water is constantly circulating around the circle. Low-power electric pump (for example, "Baby"), pumps water from the pool and on a pipe or rubber hose delivers it to the hill, made of stone. From there it flows by gravity through small rapids. Looks is very beautiful.
The bottom of the pool of the future need to put a wire mesh reinforcement and pour concrete layer thickness of 10-15 cm to prepare it easily. To do this you will need cement (brand "300", "400" and above), sand and gravel. The latter can be replaced with gravel or medium-sized pebbles.
best used in the construction of the pool so-called "cast" concrete. If you have a cement brand "300", for preparing a solution of one part by weight of cement take 2.5 parts sand and 4 gravel. On one part by weight of cement brand "400" Take 3 parts of sand and gravel 4.5. Water makes up 60-70% of the total weight of all components.
mix concrete solution in a box measuring 100 X 100 X 60 cm with a head made of galvanized iron. Prepare the mixture as follows: measured from the volume of required amount of sand and poured it into a box, add cement (dry) and shovel until until a monochrome color mass. It added the gravel and then shovel 3-4. The resulting mix lightly moisturize from the garden watering can.
While the concrete is dry, sprinkle on it a thin layer of cement and rub it to brush until the surface of concrete will not get a smooth, slightly shiny look and will cease to creep. This process is called zhelezneniem and significantly increases the water resistance of concrete.
To keep water in rainy weather is not overwhelmed pool and flooded the area, we recommend you equip it with the drainage pipe with filter. Bring it better just a drain ditch, or, if this is impossible, in a special pit-pit measuring 1 X 1 m and a depth of 1.5 - 2 m. In the middle of the pit a small pile of rubble mound stone or rubble and set up in her end of the drain pipe. The remaining space pour a large gravel, slag or fine quarry stone. Top hole waterproofing several layers of roofing material and poured a layer of soil thickness of 40 cm
App. Magazine Junior Technician № 6-89g.


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