Monday, May 30, 2011

Allergic Reaction After Eyebrow Waxing

Solar Shower

Solar Shower designed Ivkov S. and W. Blagov from Bulgaria.

on the roof of a small farmhouse set italic Drainage 10. Rain water fills the upper barrel 2. The pipeline nine water flows into the reservoir 5, where it is heated by solar rays.

Inside the collector mounted coil 6, painted with black paint. For the best heat storage of the collector facing the sun rose glass panel 7. Surplus rainwater from the top of the barrel can be directed to the bottom of the barrel 8 and used for domestic purposes or watering plants. The heated water per day from top of the barrel can be fed through a tube to spray shower head 4.

How To Make A Tiller Console

Present Girlfriend Josinete

Ibs And Pinched Nerves


Przeeeeeepraszam, Nk

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Speech Salutatory Adress


I'm sick.
And I have an exam on Wednesday.
damn it! ! !

As usual, I \u0026lt;załamka>

But today I ate pudding flavored chewing gum, PP

Money Tree Bridal Shower Poems


In honor of this club makes you so happy all the die-hard here, there and beyond, we dedicate this cake club! ! So, we had nowhere to comacasa the 4th. Champions Barca with this fine cake that we named "Wembley cake"! and ... What we have found good!
Visca Barça and Catalonia Viva!

1 puff pastry
strawberry jam
2 leaves gelatin
Preheat oven to 200 º
Pull the puff pastry on the baking tray, leave under the same paper they is involved, so we do not stick. With a fork to pierce, leave a margin of one cm all around. Cook for 20 minutes. if we see that the middle is blowing a lot, because it can slip down.
When you see that is cooked, take away from the oven, we put a grid over the same oven and let cool.
Once cool, paint the entire surface with strawberry jam, leaving a margin around in about one cm. We
strawberries and grapes net, we start by half, we alternate by placing rows of strawberries and grapes for the whole surface.
Hydrate the gelatin in cold water for 5 minutes. Heat a little strawberry jam, put the gelatin and stir well drained to get rid. We painted over the fruit.
until next .....!!!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Tex Capacity Exceded[input Stack Size]


good, comfortable shower consists of a cab, heater, feed bins and the system of aqueducts.
for hot water unit can be manufactured using industrial furnace or make it yourself. Usually flush such wood stoves that have a high yield of volatile substances, and so preference should be given a vertical water heaters that have the highest furnace. Very convenient for our purposes, the old titanium, which not so long ago was widely used in urban apartments. Aligning the furnace heater with titanium, can be get very comfortable in all respects, hot water plant, suitable even for the binary separation.

Figure 1 (top) numbers mean: 1 - Hot water column, 2 - hot water pipe, 3-outlet hot water, 4-pot of hot water, 5 - connecting pipe; 6 - pot of cold water; 7 - sink of cold water, 8 - cold aody; 9-pump, 10-slatted floor, 11 - filter., 12 sewage pit, 13-stock, 14 - waste water, 15 - mixer; 16-valve.
Figure 2 (bottom) numbers mean: 1 - Hot water column, 2 - drain hot water, 3-tank of cold water, 4 - pressure tank of hot water, 5 - pressure tank of cold water, 6-valve, 7 - slatted floor, 8 - stock 9 - sewage pit.
Particular attention should be paid to the outlet pipe insulation from the ceiling and roof. Pipe is better to use asbestos, wrapping it in several layers of fire-felting the site of contact.
consider several schemes of shower installations.
To wash, man enough 40 - 50 liters of hot water. Counting on a three-person capacity water heater should be 120 - 150 liters per hour at a temperature of 40 degrees. This volume is quite enough and warm water for irrigation of vegetable crops in the spring and autumn.
consider the scheme of showers plants presented in Figures 1 and 2.
using manual or electric pump system is filled with cold water to a level-controlled drain tube. Then melt the water heater and water temperature was adjusted to 70 - 80 degrees. Heated to the boiling point should not be, otherwise the scum will be formed. Hot water goes on rising pipe into the tank and replaced by a more severe cold, coming from another tank on down the pipe. The better the circulation, the evenly and quickly heat will occur. And there is no pump, water can be poured into the tank with a bucket of a ladder. Then drain pipe do not necessarily.
choose a system of water supply and hot water unit, you can begin construction.
But first you must choose a location. Better to place a shower away from home on fire-resistant area. The possibility of water supply arrangement and a suction well to treatment.
Shower should be simple in design. The minimum dimensions of 1,5 x 1,25 m set it on concrete or brick foundation. Area under the shower unit set in concrete with a slight slant towards the sewer. Top instead of a floor can be installed wooden lattice. If the same bed plank floors, they should do with a bias to the center, to avoid stagnation of water at the baseboards and thresholds.
few words about the design of nutrient and water tanks. Usually use metal or wooden barrels. Tanks hold closed mi avoid getting dust in them
Pressure tanks for hot and cold water, select no more than 50 - 80 liters. Over-capacity will require a lot of time to heat. In order not to clog the system, part of the water deposited in her wheels must remain in the tank. Precipitate from the bottom periodically removed.
for corrosion protection of nutrient and pressure tanks are painted. End of the suction pipe being connected to the pump, as well as the ends pipes for hot and cold water inside the pressure vessels shield mesh filters, the total cross section of holes that must be greater than the bore pipe.
drain well can oblitsevat inside tires, the shredder. This well is not washed out by water, is cheap and easy to manufacture.
constructed shower, over time, it is easy to turn it into a bath, attach to the shower steam. The walls of the pair can be chopped or carcass with filler from the slag or slag wool, decorated the inside of the board of hardwood timber. Best for this purpose, suitable aspen. Under a covering tamp layer of thin aluminum foil to retain heat better. Insulate the ceiling and floor, and as they say: "Enjoy Your Bath!»
Voronin Pictures V. Zavalova

Can Old Men Have Wet Dreams

Plot D

my throat hurt, but I'm going tomorrow, because I know who to see; D
The birthday was great, preferably on podchodach, although juice shot out my nose O_O


Ehhh ....
right, loading the deviantart;)

Do Your Cervix Drop Before Your Period

Present Girlfriend Josinete

How Can You Love With End Stage Liver Disease

Doing Artificial pond.

today decided to do with their hands in the garden Artificial pond . This will be the first Artificial pond which I made myself. The place has been chosen in advance. The size and shape Artificial pond decided to determine on the spot. Bottom of the reservoir going lay film, the film edge on the perimeter Artificial pond - cover rocks.
will describe the construction of an artificial pond in his garden in stages, illustrated with photos.
Well, let's start!

The garden has a small area not occupied by trees, Rose bushes and located far away from footpaths. Here and organize an artificial pond.

took a shovel and bayonet at the point where neither what will not interfere with my pond, first took the turf., put it aside, I think more useful.
then dug a pit at 35-40cm with a flat bottom. The walls of the pit made with a bias toward the center of the pit. Excess land immediately spread in a garden cart and took out into the far corner of the garden, where long wanted to level the site. Pit under artificial pond is ready.
Day was no time to engage in an artificial reservoir. Set to work only in the evening. Dried earth, and not to pierce the film, bottom and walls of the well swept with a broom by removing solid chunks of soil. Then put the film into a pit of black. Film width of 3 meters. Feared that the film width is not sufficient for bottom and sides of the pit and on the edge of the future of the pond (to film at the edges of something to fix). I was lucky enough, the width of the film at all.
remains only fill the hole with water. Again, make sure that the water on the site very useful thing! "That's how I began to look homemade vodoemchik.
Tepr to decorate the shore. Rocks in the district could not find it, so I decided to decorate the coast of homemade vodoemchika cut down logs.

During the construction of the reservoir I had to use a bayonet and a shovel, garden cart (wheelbarrow), scissors and a chainsaw. And of course the three evenings of work. This is an artificial pond in the garden of my cost of 145 rubles, which I gave at the store for 5 meters of black film. Now we must settle vodoemchik fish and plants, the "bank" to make the bench, well, it's already in other articles. That's it!

Author: Sergei Vasiliev

Friday, May 27, 2011

Reinstall Spider Solitaire Xp


Our device will allow each to cook goryachekopchenuyu fish, poultry and meat. We will understand carefully in the drawings. You see, the smokehouse is a box with a shelf for the pallet and container trellis. Large pieces of fish (and they can lay up to 5 kg) with frequent smoking crack and burn. Packed in containers, they are easily separated with a knife.

Material - Stainless steel or heat-resistant steel. In an extreme case of stainless steel make at least a bottom. Otherwise, a simple steel quickly burned up. If a smoker is for transportation, strengthen the cover, bent edges. It opens by turning counterclockwise. In this case, the eccentric reaches the cut and cover freed from constipation. The door is also locked by means of an eccentric. Turning the handle-clamp clockwise until it stops, you will squeeze the door to the body, sealing the same time Asbestos Cord in a maze.

Because do not forget the manufacture of handles bracket slightly flattened, to handle was rotated with some effort. Smoking is in the following order. At the bottom of the stack chock length 5 - 10 cm from the young twigs lime, apple, hickory, hawthorn. But it will be even tastier if you find a bird cherry. When the fish a lot, but the mass of each fish is not more than 0,8-1,5 kg, smoke better evisceration carcass without a head. They are placed vertically with a small gap. Fish coins can be placed in a void or above. But keep in mind that between them have to leave at least a small gap. Before you lay the fish with salt from the inside and outside, po.sypte finely onion, fennel, pepper and bay leaf. And even better a few hours soak in the marinade, prepared from the same components.
begin smoking over high heat. "Heatstroke" will help the formation of dense crust, which will prevent from leaking juice. After 5 - 10 minutes remove the smokehouse €-fire and opened the lid, appreciate if all goes as planned. A nice dark golden color tells about readiness. Note: overexposure affect and juiciness, and taste.

Potapov. Images N. Kirsanov. Journal Lefty № 9-92g.

Treatment For Broken Capillaries On Chest


I have a bad mood: / /
Oh, I do not know .. Or maybe I

And no, it's not ...
Maybe it's because that is the end of the year or something ...
And I have an exam soon?

The improvement humor poem (not mine, of course, because I am so wise and great work is not stworzyłabym)

thoughts, loneliness, and a bucket

bezmózg, horseradish and fur

Honor, pasta, floppy

holiday, blue cheese, bury

Sausage yells

wind blows, as if in a hurry for a bus

On the one hand I want to vacation, but on the other ...
Well, but the holidays will alone.
Maybe even good?
At least I will not be surrounded fałszwi people.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Does Urine Culture Test

stove for a bath.

most important thing for the oven in a bath - a good heat, so all the selected metal construction. Originally
we cooked a rectangular stove made of steel sheet with a thickness of 6 mm. The water tank on the side, and the stove top. But after we protopili it 3-4 times, it is deformed. We had to cancel her and go to their next choice more informed.
for a new furnace have chosen a cylindrical shape, based on pipe! 600 mm (suitable and pipe! 450-500 mm). Pipe thickness of 8-10 mm. The furnace has been operating for 28 years - is not subject to follow!
It consists of 3 prefabricated units:
furnace with fire tubes;
water tank: top dressing;
1 bakdlya water, 2-fire tubes, 3-main pipe, 4-burner, 5-grate, 6-ash- 7-grate beam, 8-sheet podduvalny

grate (2 semi-circle) of welded fittings with! 25 mm and placed on the grate beams (the same twist reinforcing steel).
Hot water tank welded from sheet steel 3 mm thick. At the bottom of the pipe is welded to the crane 15-25 mm (not shown). Tank top - cover as a sector, which is fastened to the 2 hinges.
square tube (140x140 mm) - from the stainless steel sheet 5 mm thick. It ends cylindrical pipe. Fire-box laid washed Rechnik (gravel) to avoid chilling smoke tube lattice for "showering" water heater, lower portion (the space between the fire-tube) filled with sand (you can fine Rechnik).
on the furnace and a hole to feed couple hung door sheet metal thickness of 3 mm. "Scores" on the rocks just hot water.
stove set on a brick foundation. Can be folded foundation stone, the Gulf of cement mortar.
Author: Michael MARZIN, n. Krasnokamensk, the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Journal of ourselves.

Harbor Breeze Company

Selinho girlfriend Ma Ferreira,
by 100 of his followers
Blog: Art Ceramin.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Car Auction Chicago Soutside


the figure, we offer several weathervanes. This old Russian weather vane: a crane with Kitaygorodskaya wall in Moscow, Deer from Rostov the Great, the winged horse Pegasus with the Crypt Monastery in Pskov. You can view them only as an idea. Figures can be very different: missiles, tanks, fish, aircraft, sailboats, cockerel.

To make a weathervane stock a few steel and tin strips, pipe diameter 15 - 20 mm rivets. Do not forget to cook brush and enamel paint.

first sketch on paper. The length of the "wing" each vane must not exceed 75 cm then cut out the silhouette and stick figure it on the sheet metal. And now you can cut it out of tin.

hardest part - to make and install a weathervane. The figure shows how the assembly of the simplest weathervanes. On the figure to the bar instead of the arrow (or right on it) is welded wing "- the so-called flyugarku.

Rod - a metal with a diameter 10 mm, with a pointed end. Sharp end, insert it into the tube with a larger diameter, so that it rotates freely within it. At the lower end of its solder metal pin. It rests on an edge of the ridge. In the tube pour a little lube. At the top of the tube will strengthen the puck, which are soldered to the arrows indicating the parts of the world. Do not forget to put on a metal rod circle pad that will protect the tank for the oil from the rain. Cover figure enamel paint and insert the rod into the tube. Now fasten weathervane on the ridge, as shown in the figure, and you can install it on the roof.

Witty Chalkboard Messages Weddings

The dark to help Greece

Daniel Cohn Bendit participates in the European Parliament, on Greece:
video and text of the speech, are interesting by themselves but even more so when you see the date on which they were made: the 13-5-2010, a year ago ...!!!
a year ago already knew what the situation and already threw out, as Daniel Cohn Bendit says the level of hypocrisy is insane.

! We pay money to buy weapons!

the Green MEP Daniel Cohn Bendit spoke to the European Parliament criticize military spending and other measures associated with the Greek rescue: , "It is clear that for four months we've been getting dizzy partridge. Clearly we were wrong. Clearly, with such hesitation, we have been providing fuel to markets and speculation. At least, responsible board members should say, they should say is our fault. " Mrs. Merkel, Mr. Sarkozy, do not really know what role ... What we are asking the government of Papandreou is almost impossible to achieve. I ask Ecofin and the presidents of the governments that think if they themselves are able to make reforms in their countries as we are asking to Greece. How long would it take to reform the pension system in France? How long will it take Germany to settle their pension? And we are asking Papandreou that will change everything in three months! You are being totally irrational, and the proof is what is now happening in Greece. We're not giving Papandreou Greece or the time required to find a consensual solution. Greece does not exist in an identification with the state. There is only the "every man for himself". And that's unfortunate. Blame it all: decades of corruption of the political class in Greece. Should we not try to convince them to practice and not just decrees? The consensus is needed to create it! And you'll see what will happen in Spain when the problems start. You'll see in Portugal. I mean we inspire an attitude of responsibility, and not asking the impossible. I remember someone once said "I want my money back!" And now we want to win money from the Greeks. Because this is it! A pay us 1.5% or 3% and we will provide to Greece to 3.5% or 6%. We are doing business at the expense of the Greeks and that is unacceptable! "
" On the other hand, Europe can also take initiatives. Verhostaff Guy is right when he speaks of a European Monetary Fund, an investment fund and solidarity. To carry out a European loan would have to change the treaties. Then later, comrades, to amend the treaties! In our hand is taking initiatives! If the Council is unable to do so, let us, from this Parliament. We believe once a European Monetary Fund to curb speculation. In addition, I ask the Council to tell the IMF to the International Employment Office to take action on the matter of what is happening in Greece. These people must not only decide the Money! They are the European and international employment which should curb the frenzy of the financial! "
And finally, there is also another way of providing support to the budgets of Greece once take the initiative, European Union are, to promote disarmament in the region. A policy initiative for disarmament between Greece and Turkey. A policy initiative to the Turkish armed forces to withdraw from Northern Cyprus. If the background we are hypocrites! In recent months, France has sold six frigates to Greece for 2,500 million euros. Helicopter 400 million. Rafale combat 100 million each. My "spies" have been unable to tell if they were 10, 20 or 30 ... And Germany Greece has sold another 6 submarines by another 1,000 million. More transparency! If you are a absolute hypocrites! We pay money to buy our weapons! If we are truly responsible, we guarantee to all territorial integrity of Greece. I believe that applying these cuts is more effective to cut salaries of less than a thousand euros. I urge the Commission some justice. "

publication in

How To Connect Ps2 Guitar Hero Dongle

chemistry, physics, NK, basketball, picnic and er ... Skillet

Okay, so ...
atomic mass calculation is very simple. Pathetically easy;)
As for the physics is totally do not know what tomorrow is a test: / / I guess the traffic uniformly straight.

And as for Nk ... D
With NK (but do not know. I guess.) I passed the physics:)

I was today at the Gloria, learned the (shock) and went for a foursome to play in the trash, D
As for the festivities that I will be on three. Here, the top four and six. Hey, Victoria, six sticks together to the stew? : D and pea soup, D

I, and yet .... yyyy
It is clear that with each day closer to the school year I'll be getting worse: (

Sheesh ... I still have people who can not even apologize. Even though you hurt. Probably do not even know ...
but those people will certainly remind you what it was two years ago: 'Cause they do not remember things like I did for them.
For instance defended?
Such a small detail.
No but these people probably have sclerosis.

PS This movie about know who he is so funny: P But

PS.2. My life is a comedy drama

PS.3. I am still a unicorn. Do you have any medication?

PS.4 Or hay ...

PS.5. Are unicorns eat hay ?????

Bmx Color Paint версия

Punset camping Oviedo

is a poetic way of looking at it, start a journey to find the "Silk Road"

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Were Can I Find A Shiney Eevee On Dimonad

wind turbines with a pump.

This design wind turbines and a simple pump designed for pumping water from the natural reservoirs or wells by the wind.

Engine. Main detail - from an old bicycle. The engine consists of two parts. One part - a propeller, mounted on a gear, and transmission, which converts rotational movement of the rod pump. The second part - Swivel stand - serves as the basis for fixing the first and allows the engine to focus on wind direction. As the hub of propeller can use the bottom bracket bike 2; rotating stand holds the front parts of the plugs 11, 13.

Five blades size 700x140 mm cut from 2-mil millimeter of sheet iron or duralumin. Each blade flex along the longitudinal axis so that its edges are above the average of approximately 2 cm, and riveted to a steel strip of a size 120x20x5 mm, which is bent in the middle 45-degree angle. The blades are attached to a toothed wheel bolts.

Mounted Balance the screw carefully. To this end, the hub-bearing gear wheel clamp in a vise and lightly Unscrew the screws, wait for it to stop. Two blades, which will be at the bottom, nuzhmo move to the center, then repeat operation again.

Connecting Rod Pedal 4 is cut in half. In one half drill two holes for connecting bolts, and the other make the longitudinal slot 3. This will adjust the value of the stock pump.

to connect the hub with a rotary engine stand used fork rear wheel bike two pipes which saw off the desired length and bend accordingly. Ends of the tubes flatten out and drilled under the connecting bolts 5. Front fork tube 13 to straighten the pre-heating them with a blowtorch, otherwise when straightening it may break.

Two pipe bicycle frame welded to the sleeve front fork, saw off the desired length, their ends also flatten out and drilled under the connecting bolts 5.

layout pipe rear fork and the bicycle frame by clamp steps very carefully, because their union must provide the location of the middle of the pedal axle on the axis of rotation of the steering hub.
In place of the bolts securing the steering wheel to the front fork, insert the rod pump 12, which is a metal tube length about 4,5 m from the ends of the cut thread. Stem should move freely in the holes of the steering rack.

At the upper end of the rod, protruding above the steering resistant, slip bearing 10, pressed into a short segment of pipe 8. Upper bearing install the lock washer. She pressed against the bearing nut. At the top of the tube 8 drill two through holes, insert the back axle, which connects with the axis of the pedal connecting rod 7. Connecting rod manufacture of a 2-mm iron. He must freely and yet no backlash to rotate.

to protect engine components from rain and make it a better aerodynamic shape You can make the cover of this fairing 9. For fairings fit old car headlights. Rear fairing advisable to equip a wind wheel, which will help guide the engine even at low wind. The assembled engine is mounted to the counter pylon 14 with two clamp ring 6.

Pilon made from four pipes with a diameter of 40-50 mm, one of which - the central length is about 2 m, and the other three are the pillars. Their length is chosen arbitrarily, depending on the desired mounting height of the engine. At a distance of 60 cm from the top of the tubes are bent at an angle of 150 degrees. To the lower end or weld steel Screw strip 15 of thickness 10 - 15 mm. They need to be strengthened with concrete base.

can also sawed the lower end of the pipe axis at 10 - 15 cm, divorce and bend the halves in a hook and to cement. Fixing support pipes from a central desk is provided with three metal rods 16 with a diameter of 8-10 mm with screwed on the ends of the nuts.

pump. Pump housing with a diameter of 150-200 mm run out of segments of steel pipe. It can also be riveted to the 2-millimeter galvanized iron sheet. In this case riveted joint must be well sealed.

pump consists of three sections, height 80-125 mm. At the base bottom make a hole under the pipe for its water derives from the pump. Bottom solder pump bedplate. The lower and middle sections are separated by a membrane. This circular metal plate 21 in diameter, slightly larger diameter of the pump. It is located between two rubber gaskets, of which the bottom - solid, and the upper is made in the form of a ring width of 20-30 mm.

in the metal plate at a distance of 0.5 radius from the center make a hole for the tube connecting the upper and lower sections. In a continuous rubber gasket punch a few holes of smaller diameter with a total area equal to the cross coupling tube. These holes should be located outside the holes in the metal plate. Similarly, the second of the membrane with the only difference that in the metal plate is two holes: a connector and suction tube. Length of the last 10-15 mm shorter than the height of the middle section of the pump. To pump can be distinguished, one of the ends of the connecting tube is attached to the membrane of the nuts 20. In the upper section of the pump is the diaphragm 19, made of thick and flexible enough rubber. The diaphragm is connected with a rod pump. Tightness of the diaphragm and the membrane with the pump casing is provided clamping ring 18 and clamp bolts 17.

principle of such a pump. During the upward movement of the rod in the upper chamber of a vacuum, and there comes water from the middle section through the holes at the top of the rubber gasket. When driving down the stock in the upper chamber created by the increased pressure, and water filling connecting pipe and pressing the lower rubber gasket, through its hole enters the bottom section of the pump and in injection tube.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Cv For Beauty Therapists


The Department continues to proposing new cuts

Wedding Chapstick Favors Templates

If things go well ...........

can see the comment by Pedro Villarrubia (@ pvil)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Make My Own Prom Dress

Home incubator.

Proposed I have a home incubator differs from known designs especially easy to manufacture. There he and another important advantage: ventilation (Air) in an incubator is due to the difference in temperature inside the incubation chamber and the room in which it is installed. Warm air, heated at the bottom of the incubator from the bulbs, goes up - to the incubation chamber, where the pan with the eggs - and through the side vents выходит наружу. А приток свежего воздуха осуществляется через нижние вентиляционные отверстия.

В инкубатор I usually lay 34 or 48 goose eggs.
the temperature in the incubation chamber monitored temperature control and mercury electrocontact thermometer (range temperature measurement from 0 to +50 ° C). I work the thermostat is controlled by a mercury thermometer, set next to a thermometer (medical thermometer can not be used).
To maintain the desired humidity for incubation, in the middle of the incubator, I put a bowl of water. And to the metabolism inside the eggs proceeded uniformly, I take out of the incubation chamber three or four times a day, pan, put it on the table and flip the egg. Incubator at this time aired. At the time of breeding chicks incubator I installed in the kitchen, where the temperature usually ranges from 18-25 °. And this is just what you need.

You will need 4-6-mm plywood slats section of 25 mm x 30 mm or 30 mm x 30 mm, 10 and 25-30-mm nails, strip of leather or leatherette in size 450 x 150 mm, a slice of microporous rubber or dense foam, glue.
First you need to bring down the frame rails of the incubator. That he gets stronger, the attachment strips lubricate glue and then fasten with nails.
incubator should retain heat well, so the walls of his best made double, and the space between them filled sawdust, wood shavings or wool.
By the size of the frame cut out of plywood inner side, top and bottom walls. As soon as they mark the installation location Lampholders, grates, tray. Fasten the wall studs for small staffs. On the side walls mark the three vent holes 7 mm in diameter, at the bottom - four holes with a diameter of 7 mm, and the upper wall - two holes with a diameter of 20 mm. In the bottom and side walls of the hole until the drill, but at the top wall of the drill. 8 them, as you may have noticed in the figure are set thermometers: left control thermometer scale factor of 0,1-0,2 ° C, the right electrocontact. Tepmometry have a clearance to enter the openings in the lid, or an accidental push of the incubator can be broken. To thermometers are not sinking into the incubator, stick to the upper inner wall of the two pieces of microporous rubber (or foam) with pre-cut holes in them, 10-12 mm. Centers holes in the wall and pieces of rubber to match.

heat source in the incubation chamber, as you already know, are the four elektropampochki at 60 watts each. Each other, I connect them in parallel, and the network has included a thermostat. Wiring, I suggest you hide inside the walls, so long as housing not sewn up with plywood to mount the camera inside Lampholders, connect them by wires and power cord is output through the rear wall.
Now you can sew plywood frame of the incubator. Start with the side walls.
Recall that the space between the inner and outer wall must be filled with sawdust, wood shavings or wool. And one more detail I would like to draw your attention to: the top of the incubator - where the holes - the sidewalls single. Before you sew the top and bottom incubator, drill the workpieces vents and holes for the thermometers. Inside the bottom of the incubator obkleyte flannel or other warm cloth. Do not forget to leave open the vents.
front wall incubator is also double - with sawdust inside. It consists of three parts: the top (with window), doors, and bottom.

To see how the process of incubation, to the window. On my incubator is mounted on top of the front wall. I attached the glass from inside the young studs and the outside covered it with a lid. And that cover is not sinking into the window, outside of its wall made an inch wider than the inside.
door should fit inside the body to enter the incubator, or insulated incubation chamber will compromised. Go to the front wall it is attached a strip of leatherette. The top is closed for constipation.
Housing incubator ready, now it's up to interior design. Lampholders you have already installed, it remains to knock down the tray and grill and strengthen them in the chamber.

Tray bring down the thickness of the boards 10-12 mm and 6 mm plywood. Joints glue and attach with nails. I cover the bottom tray of wood shavings or chopped straw. To make the tray can be removed from the incubator, secure the side wall guides. Grating for bowls with water bring down from the rails section 25 mm x 30 mm.
few words on the electronic side of the incubator. To regulate temperature in the incubator I use the thermostat UTR, U2-1R20 (Universal), released Riga pilot plant Latvenergo in 1975. It was sold in a set with a mercury thermometer electrocontact.

for the independent producer thermostat recommend using a similar scheme. This scheme, I also tried to work. As the rectifier was used from the power supply electronic equipment for 12 V, mercurial electrocontact thermometer I bought at the store medical equipment.
In another embodiment, the thermometer can be connected in parallel with a spark arrester on DC current voltage of 9.12 V (see diagram). DC spark arrester consists of a series-connected resistance 0,5-1 Ohm and a capacitor 0,01-0,02 microfarad relay must operate from 9 V or 12 V, respectively, and its secondary contacts should be calculated on the current no less than two amps.
Here, perhaps, all about making incubator "But talking about the incubator should not be considered complete without telling about the regime in which the incubation takes place.
(incubation mode - a combination of conditions that are necessary to establish and maintain an incubator for normal embryonic development egg.)

in my incubator can output of birds of different form. And when combined output recommend laying eggs for incubation in time to tilt all the chicks started in one day then the mode of incubation will be the same. Incubation periods depend on the type of bird. Thus, the incubation of eggs takes 20-21 days, duck and turkey - 25 - 28, goose - 28-31. I'll tell you about the mode of incubation for the goose eggs (many of you know about the chicken).
temperature, first seventeen days, the temperature must be at least 37,7-37,8 ° C. C 18 th and 27 th day of incubation - 37,5 ° C. From the 28 th day to the end of the withdrawal - 36-36,5 ° C.

VENTILATION. For the first seven days I will leave open one by one (middle) top vent on each side, with the 8 th to 27 th day - two (extreme) upper holes (average for this time of cork). With 28 days to open a can All three holes
with. each side.
lower vents should be open all the time - during the whole incubation period. Only if the temperature in the room where the incubator is set to fall (usually it happens at night) is below 15 ° C, stoppered two lower vents, For example, the extreme.

HUMIDITY. From 1 st to 17 th day of incubation on the grids, I put two tablespoons deep bowl (aluminum) with water. Water can be and pour into another container, but on condition that the surface of evaporation is about 300 cm2. From 18 th to 27 th day to the bottom of the incubator, I put the third bowl of water, and with a 28-day and before the end of the output - the fourth. Every day I watch that was water in bowls. Better to use boiled water, unheated.

Turning COOL AND EGGS, before laying eggs in the incubator I mark them with four sides with a pencil triangle, circle, square and cross. And then follow that every time you turn the all eggs in the tray were located one of the labels up - it avoids confusion in the work. Eggs are laid horizontally in the tray.
In the first seven days, I turn to three or four times a day, each time alternating the tags. My hands thoroughly, take out the tray from the incubator, put it on the table and turn the eggs at 90 °. From 8 th to 17 th day, once a day (morning, flip the eggs to 180 °, and in the remaining days - only 90)
To vyznat strong cooling eggs, in the first seven days of work needed quickly in the future's turnover eggs mozhyao bit slower, but in the past seven Dawnay naklevom before - this time the temperature exceeds the temperature of eggs in the incubation chamber at 3-4 degrees and the eggs seem to be hot to the touch - I'm leaving them on the table after turning for another 5-10 minutes to ensure that they are cooled down to about 25 ° C. The door incubator at this time disguised to keep it appropriate temperature and humidity. With the advent of nakleva - to 28-th day - turning, and cooling the eggs stopped.

VYZOD YOUNG. On the 28 th and 31 th day happens slope and output of goslings. At this time, comes the most crucial moment for the young and his parents. " Output of goslings from the shell is not as fast as in chickens. It may take up to two days. Therefore, we must exercise maximum caution to premature intervention does not ruin the already matured fetus. Help is needed when the output Gusenkov lasted for a longer period. This may be the case if it accrued to the head or neck to the egg shells. Then I do so, break off small pieces of shell from the top, but in any case not completely take out the chick out of it, not to tear the choroid (Allantois) and do not cause bleeding.
Out of the shell young obsushivaetsya for 2-3 hours immediately in the incubation chamber and then 5-6 hours I transfer it to fade out the camera - at the bottom of the incubator. Then I transplanted chicks in a separate box heated bulbs, and a 7 - day 8, with good Weather releasing onto the street. Incubator purged from the shell and down, my weak bleach solution or bleach and dry.

how to select EGGS Incubation
those who first decided to start the incubation, we must know that success in work depends on the quality and shape of eggs, which, in turn, depend on the terms and conditions of storage, and feeding of adult birds, the ratio between males and females in the herd, age of birds.
Eggs, selected Incubation should be among the sneeze sizes, have a normal (egg) shape. Large or small eggs, and round, long or flattened at the sides do not fit. Shell eggs in selected must be relatively large and fragile, with no cracks, roughness, or large quantities of lime build-up. Not suitable heavily soiled or stained with watery blue eggs.

eggs for incubation should be kept in a cool, clean place at a temperature of 12.8 C, daily their turning. Wash them and can not store more than ten days, too, as long-term storage affects the hatching chicks. In fresh eggs shells has a matte finish, while it gets stale marble shine.

OVOSKOP and how to use
for the selection of eggs, and later to control the development of the embryo, I use a special device - ovoskop. You can make it yourself. In the cylinder made of cardboard or tin, cut side hole on an egg shaped insert inside light bulbs. The device is ready.
When candling eggs, pledged in a dark room will be visible well hidden cracks the shell, double yolk or a large air chamber on the blunt end of egg (Puga). These eggs are not suitable for incubation.
have goose eggs on the 2-3rd day of incubation will visible when candling the embryo in the form of a dark spot, located always at the top, if we consider egg in a horizontal position. On the eighth day of incubation, the embryo and its circulatory system closes a whole egg yolk (egg browsing in an upright position, blunt end upwards). Not fertilized eggs by this date will remain transparent. They should be removed from the incubator.
On the 15 th day of incubation, the embryo fills almost all of the egg. Its vascular Shell (allantois) are well developed, envelops the whole protein and closes on the sharp end of the egg. At the 28-day embryo fills the whole egg. Air chamber is enlarged, has a sinuous border. When you turn the egg liquid is not poured into it. One can see the movement of the fetus. In the dead embryos pugi smooth boundary.

Much destruction of embryos in the first days of incubation, an indication of poor selection of eggs (use stale or defects of the shell eggs), as well as the incorrect ratio of males and females in the herd according to age, number. High mortality rates in the second half of incubation spoke about the biological inferiority of eggs that can be caused by improper feeding of birds.
X. Kirsanov, Drawings N. Kirsanov. Magazine Junior Technician.

Male Stripper Shaving


This entry will be longer ... sorry, but it was a full weekend! We reflecionat, much in the kitchen comacasa-nothing! We have
dedicated to learning more about the crepes, the space consumption, and cupcakes, the Chocolate Museum in Barcelona. A Good Space
Consumer Price chef David Lienas as a teacher, a luxury that occasionally take as long as we can!, This time we made a sweet and savory pancakes and a pancake , how most good! These workshops are a luxury, as I say, so much as Joe David Lienas Noge, we spend a bit of what they both know what we can learn from, though we have a well, ah! then we have the tasting of cooked! was all delicious!
So go by recipes, I'll the the moment I leave some photos to give you an idea ... go by mouth!

Saturday afternoon workshop touches to the Chocolate Museum. What will we do?? Cupcakes! These individual cakes, muffin type, decorated with glasses based on butter and sugar ... pure dynamite calories! is an American original recipe which is usually added on top decorations, as creams, cream, meringue, sugar frosted or chocolate shavings. These cakes strong, we are not accustomed to these last sweet pessats both, that I'm sweet, I find very sweet that, do you put the recipe, which is what we did, lowering the burden of putting butter cream cheese, which can be bais in calories, now that no one comes ...! because everything is so sweet.
Workshops at the Museum we are very active, do all the preparation of the recipe, from weighing to knead, shape, decorate ... We spent three hours at full throttle!, But we pass it to us! ! I leave you the recipe if you want to try that are good, huh? but in moderation ...

Cupcakes (recipe for 24 units)
Ingredients for the base
415 g flour (especially pastries)
225 g butter at room temperature 440 g sugar

4 eggs 250 g milk

Ingredients for the cream 375 g cream cheese (Philadelphia)

280 g butter 750 g icing sugar Preparation
Beat butter and sugar until that monti, and is white, we add the eggs one by one. When we have a uniform cream, add milk and flour slowly, a little milk, flour ica and so bring the whole milk and whole meal. This too can be the essence or flavor with chocolate balls. If we want to make chocolate, replace part of flour cocoa powder (can substitute a maximum of 10% flour). Fill the molds
well up top, because it's not too up and want to make it flat on top.
cook 10-15 minutes at 180 º. Preheated oven
Beat cream butter until a point of cream, add cheese, Beat until they are bound, take a solid color, add the powdered sugar and continue beating vigorously until monti. If we do
decorating colors, separated a little for this cream! dyed with the color or colors you want. We
cream with a pastry bag with a nozzle arissada. We decorate the cupcake making spirals, peaks, giving volume to the cream in our taste. We finished with chocolate pearls, fideuets colored sugar, coconut ...