Friday, May 6, 2011

Fetish Brazzilian Wax

"They took social justice and shared to us by the markets"

Baltasar Garzón, Federico Mayor Zaragoza Juan Torres López, Ignacio School and Rosa María Artal deployed in Madrid several reasons to react

HECTOR Madrid 06/05/2011 21:35 Juanatey
worst thing you can do is laugh democracy citizens
. " Thus began the judge
Baltasar Garzon Speaking at the presentation of book Reacts in Madrid. A day after the output chupinazo campaign for elections on 22-M, the judge has asked the political class more respect and commitment to citizenship. "Laughter is not telling the truth, discrediting the institutions, not to debate, take a joke corruption, to disqualify and forth between them ..." Garzón lamented. The judge was speaking as the author of one of the chapters are Reacts , a book compilation of reasons for citizens to take awareness and react. According to Garzon, all should sign "a contract" with politicians. Points to meet: "
more fool me no, tell me about what interests me
." The advisor to the International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague has also complained of lack of "Leadership." "If indifference is the norm, there to see someone start to lead by example", he said. It has also attacked day after day discredit the work of justice. For him, " the Universal Declaration has become the norm rather violated in the history of mankind ." "We have forgotten the international court," he said. The judge, suspended for
investigated crimes of the Franco has lashed out against the politicians who take "justice attempts to to address impunity as a party or as a fight between players. " "Later that politician is he who carries today against the Constitutional Court." "This will be the first generation to live worse than their parents" Regarding the decision of the TC on the nationalist coalition Bildu, Garzon pointed out that "one can not dismiss" the body, "the Head of the Constitution." In addition, commented that " can not say that the Government encourages the presence of ETA in the elections
The judge has also been surprised by the success of politicians who are involved in processes corruption. "It's hard to comprehend that people would vote. How is it possible to vote for someone who is not doing? ," he asked. It has also sown the hope saying that those responsible for the economic crisis will eventually respond to justice. "Sooner or later respond," he concluded.
"We must overcome the limits of the possible" addition Garzon participated in the event coordinator of the book, journalist Rosa María Artal
, former director general of UNESCO,
Federico Mayor Zaragoza , the Professor of Applied Economics Juan Torres López ; and journalist Ignacio Escolar columnist Public and author of . Mayor has appealed to stop being "subjects" and we become "citizens." He has also stated that for the first time "we can build a free democracy." "They took social justice, solidarity ... and we exchanged it for the markets. Now we are spectators, but we can be citizens " he said. "Democracy is not just vote, is counted as citizens, is to be tenidos en cuenta".
El ex director de la UNESCO ha destacado la importancia de internet al afirmar que debemos movilizarnos "a través del ciberespacio". Mayor Zaragoza ha concluido su intervención asegurando que es posible un cambio de la "cultura de la guerra" por la "cultura de la paz". "Estuvimos muy cerca en el 89 hasta que aparecieron los globalizadores", ha dicho. Además, ha rememorado la frase que hizo famosa la presidenta de Brasil, Dilma Rousseff : "
We must overcome the limits of the possible
. "They are thugs who are starving and gives us Like " Juan Torres Lopez, meanwhile, has lashed out hard against those responsible who have caused the economic crisis." They are thugs who are starving do not care, "he declared. He has broken down four points that characterize this situation. First, "Immorality" of the banks, which have " much power they can do whatever they want
" second "irresponsibility" third, "insensitivity" to the facts, and fourth and finally, "inhumanity." " We are dehumanizing
" said Torres then conclude that it is in the hands of all say no "to prevent the usual is off the hook ". The author of the most widely read political blog from Spain, Ignacio Escolar, has focused on the current situation of young people. He emphasized that "since the civil war, this is the first generation to live worse than their parents." " From 80, we go back at all ," he said. Furthermore, it has focused on the importance of information, without which it would be difficult to react. Despite all the problems, school has said that " there is room for hope
. journalist and author of the blog The Periscope


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