Daniel Cohn Bendit participates in the European Parliament, on Greece:
video and text of the speech, are interesting by themselves but even more so when you see the date on which they were made: the 13-5-2010, a year ago ...!!!
a year ago already knew what the situation and already threw out, as Daniel Cohn Bendit says the level of hypocrisy is insane.
a year ago already knew what the situation and already threw out, as Daniel Cohn Bendit says the level of hypocrisy is insane.
! We pay money to buy weapons!
the Green MEP Daniel Cohn Bendit spoke to the European Parliament criticize military spending and other measures associated with the Greek rescue: , "It is clear that for four months we've been getting dizzy partridge. Clearly we were wrong. Clearly, with such hesitation, we have been providing fuel to markets and speculation. At least, responsible board members should say, they should say is our fault. " Mrs. Merkel, Mr. Sarkozy, do not really know what role ... What we are asking the government of Papandreou is almost impossible to achieve. I ask Ecofin and the presidents of the governments that think if they themselves are able to make reforms in their countries as we are asking to Greece. How long would it take to reform the pension system in France? How long will it take Germany to settle their pension? And we are asking Papandreou that will change everything in three months! You are being totally irrational, and the proof is what is now happening in Greece. We're not giving Papandreou Greece or the time required to find a consensual solution. Greece does not exist in an identification with the state. There is only the "every man for himself". And that's unfortunate. Blame it all: decades of corruption of the political class in Greece. Should we not try to convince them to practice and not just decrees? The consensus is needed to create it! And you'll see what will happen in Spain when the problems start. You'll see in Portugal. I mean we inspire an attitude of responsibility, and not asking the impossible. I remember someone once said "I want my money back!" And now we want to win money from the Greeks. Because this is it! A pay us 1.5% or 3% and we will provide to Greece to 3.5% or 6%. We are doing business at the expense of the Greeks and that is unacceptable! "
" On the other hand, Europe can also take initiatives. Verhostaff Guy is right when he speaks of a European Monetary Fund, an investment fund and solidarity. To carry out a European loan would have to change the treaties. Then later, comrades, to amend the treaties! In our hand is taking initiatives! If the Council is unable to do so, let us, from this Parliament. We believe once a European Monetary Fund to curb speculation. In addition, I ask the Council to tell the IMF to the International Employment Office to take action on the matter of what is happening in Greece. These people must not only decide the Money! They are the European and international employment which should curb the frenzy of the financial! "
And finally, there is also another way of providing support to the budgets of Greece once take the initiative, European Union are, to promote disarmament in the region. A policy initiative for disarmament between Greece and Turkey. A policy initiative to the Turkish armed forces to withdraw from Northern Cyprus. If the background we are hypocrites! In recent months, France has sold six frigates to Greece for 2,500 million euros. Helicopter 400 million. Rafale combat 100 million each. My "spies" have been unable to tell if they were 10, 20 or 30 ... And Germany Greece has sold another 6 submarines by another 1,000 million. More transparency! If you are a absolute hypocrites! We pay money to buy our weapons! If we are truly responsible, we guarantee to all territorial integrity of Greece. I believe that applying these cuts is more effective to cut salaries of less than a thousand euros. I urge the Commission some justice. "
publication in http://lapasiongriega.blogspot.com/2010/05/parrhesia.html
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