Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Electronic Game Of Life

Melva CANNED (oil)

The mackerel is a blue fish, like tuna and mackerel. It has the elongated body, silver with dark blue, with lighter shade on the belly and the head black or purple. No grudges, and do about 50 cm long but may reach 1 meter. It is a variety of tuna, very similar to your body, they differ in some lines darker dorsal area and a greater separation between their fins. The specimens
adults living in coastal areas at depths of up to 10 meters. Moves done in banks and fat migration. It feeds on smaller fish, crustaceans and squid.
considered belongs to the mackerel and blue fish flesh is rich in omega-3 acids. Rich in B vitamins, improved synthesis of genetic material and regulating the operation of defensive and nervous systems. Fat-soluble vitamins A and D, mean that the body has a better resistance to infections, repairing tissues. Vitamin A acts on the functioning of vital organs like the liver, whereas the D setting it absorbs the calcium in bones. It provides minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, iron and iodine, those responsible for strengthening bones, muscle activity and digestive system.
So seeing all these beneficial properties that contributes to this fish, the price is very affordable and is very good and tasty, we have no other than consume it in one way or another! On Ironing is very good, I've done this time preserved in oil. It will tell you if it was good, the rest I leave a few days before eating it.
Recipe I saw the blog "The cocinero faithful," I've done several things from him and give very good results. This recipe can also be made with tuna or mackerel. I put the video link of the recipe from him, that is fine. HERE "The faithful cocinero"

Melva CANNED (oil) and
a mackerel
Laurel, thyme, rosemary black pepper in grain
Salt (two tablespoons)
virgin olive oil Preparation
When we buy mackerel ask that you make it into thick slices, or if we like, we removed the head il'espina, so we will have two grandchildren who have to cut fillets into pieces about 3 fingers.
in a pot and put water cuts or slices of fish, add salt and boil for 10 minutes (see it makes a foam that will be taking). After this time, put on a rack and let cool.
Meanwhile sterilize where you want to save the preserve. In a pot put the jars and lids and boil for about 10 minutes, take away and leave upside down on a cloth.
When the fish is cold, remove the skin, bones and the dark meat, which is around the spine and can give a bitter aftertaste.
We placed the pieces inside you do not need to be very tight, add the bay leaf, thyme and black peppercorns. Cover with oil, cover it well and boil covered with water for 10 minutes. Let cool and hopefully a few days before eating it.


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