old tires from the cars now lie where popapo. But they can be used, say, for draining garden. Digging ditches, these punkktirom around the perimeter of the site (see picture), omit the section from West vnih -4 tires connecting them with pomoshyo twists of b-mm steel wire. Make it easier by using two tubes (water, gas).
In ditch sections, similarly connected a longer whip. After 2 m should drill wells to a depth of 0,8 ... 1 m vertically and put the steel pipes with diameter of 80 .. .100 Mm and a length of 2 m. The grounds of pipes applied came down from the slab or podtovarnika, protesav them an ax with one hand and securing the wire.
top lashes out tire cover of old films from greenhouses or sheet of linoleum, roofing material and covered with earth.
Moisture will seep between the tire and drain land. This method is tested in practice and showed good results.
Scourge of tires can be used as a pipe in a street gutter in front of the gate gate and garden. Of course, in any case must take into account the terrain, achieving optimal option.
And if a section of the collected tires buried in the ground vertically, then we get well.
M. Isakhanov engineer
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