Monday, May 16, 2011

Dragon Ball E Naruto Yaoi


AND awake and there are no requests. These qualities should have any watchdog. After all, his task - to be alert, ready at any time, notify), the owner of uninvited intrusion. And the less demand for electricity, providing the standby mode, the less worries about maintaining working state, higher reliability.
This problem is quite simple answers e-watchman, whose scheme is depicted in Figure 1. "Raisin 'it - Site built, on the transistors VT1, VT2. Like trinistor, it can be in one of the stable states - locked and open. Consistently with Included in the load - audio frequency oscillator formed by transistor VTZ and oscillating circuit, which includes the primary winding of the transformer T1 and capacitor C1.
Initially, the transistors VT1, VT2 are closed due to the strong connection of their bases with the emitter circuit. Sufficiently least briefly withdraw the sensor-switch S2, as the power source through a capacitor C2 to the base of the transistor VT1 go unlocking boost. Opened, this transistor skips current at base VT2. Arises snowballing process taking couple transistors sustainable conducting state, allowing starts flowing meals on transistor VTZ and buzzer with dynamical head BA1 notifies violation sovereignty guarded object.
Sensors perhaps несколько на дверях, окнах и т. д. … Если произошло моментное замыкание одного из них, соответствующий конденсатор С2 быстро разрядится через резистор RЗ; если same triggered sensor-switch "zalip" in closed state, capacitor soon discontinue current percolation and faulted circuit will not impede work remaining sensors. To disable protection tripped enough briefly shorted breaker S2. Device retaking the guardhouse almost without consuming energy.
Supply voltage chosen 12V that allows using device also from bortseti car. Workable it and 9B. Needed to build parts mainly indicated in the diagram. Most of them allows replacement of the elements of other types. So, you can use transistor MP38A (VT1, VTZ) MP41A (VT2). Transformer - the output from a portable receiver, for example from "Selga-404", which is calculated shown below mounting fee. Shared head
any - power 0,25-0,5 W with impedance voice coil 8 - 10 ohms, capacitors KLS, MBM, resistor or other power not more 0,5 Tues. Switch S1 can take pushbutton type KM1-1 in supply circuit - type tumbler. Execution of sensors, switches that are not directly in the design unit, determined by the features of protected sites. In particular, there may be suitable sensors that respond to the dripping and shaking, as set on spiral spring loaded contact-rod located inside immobile annular contact. In standalone PSU employs three successively batteries included Planeta either before eight elements 343. or 373.
Construction mounting board can be arbitrary important only arrange as rations. Requires neatness brazing conclusions transformer usually having seaplaque skeleton. Approximate sketch Boards from sidedly foiled fiberglass shown on Figure 2. If will used transformer otherwise type note location his conclusions. Likely it will other, paternal drawing conductors have respectively modify. Correctly gathered from serviceable details scheme should immediately work. To adjust same level and timbre of sound, try different denominations parts R2 and C1.
Yu Prokoptsov.
young technician Journal № 5-94g.


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