Concerning the publication of '¡INDIGNAOS! " INNOVATION
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Tuesday, May 10 , 2011
Writer Alejandro Palomas
Before the false optimism anesthesia numbs us all, someone has to begin to formulate some sort of message that really heating. Someone has to start to mobilize, get the first barricade the street and do it from the organic. And although there are no heroes among us because we do not know how to be or from where it is the duty of the voice we do require us to disclose the guilty of what we live and forcing them to confess to the whys, what and why now. We must force those who govern us to give us their names to know against whom we struggle. We live like cowards, we have become comfortable society expects to respond to hunger, and those who govern us know it. Instead, they simply cut. Cut right, cut lines, cut welfare spend what we hand down the back while telling us: "Do not worry, hunger will pass. Here we are, ensuring your food. " That is the profile of the perfect perpetrator, and that, in his speech: "I cut the wings because they take care of you. Confident that the damage you take from me is much sweeter than that you may receive from others. Look around and compare. Look at all this horror. All that hunger. "
No, gentlemen. No, ladies. The food we earn it every day working, no one gives us anything because you no longer care for us. Watch for other things. Veil of secrecy, they ensure the non-commitment, ensure the anesthesia of a society that takes too long between bottles stupid spam. I accuse those who govern abuse. I accuse you of deception, indecency and inhumanity. And also acknowledge those who covet the government (physical, intellectual and moral of this society) to have so little regard for these people as those to yearning to replace. Accused the intellectuals of this country to live under the comfort of disunity, of having abandoned their posts at the forefront to take refuge in the formality bourgeoisie servile. I accuse the media of having shaken hands with mediocrity and losing his voice, they also complicit in this poverty that we are eating in installments. Church accused of receiving money from the same State to which they boycotted, of neglecting the needy, the poor in spirit, as macho, unsupportive of shredder and a phony. I accuse the almost five million unemployed in unsupportive and did not come out into the street and have shaken the foundations of unions whose language does not mean she does not say, political parties, media, business crooks and false ERE.
Where is the common front? Where is the strength of a people that has caused many changes in their struggle, with its value, with your feet on the asphalt, the people planted when they trample the pride silence pretending to pay each month with a small hand? Where are the intellectuals at this time? "Debating in prime-time television? "Feeding the trash and spreading pseudo-scientific platitudes that we fit into this false state seudobienestar?J'accuse. Today. Now.Shame. That's what I feel the history when we look because that's what it says of us the present continuous. And our children see us small and petty, not scared, but cowardly, not hesitant, but submissive. No asleep, but unconscious.Time to get out and battle. Soon there will be nothing to lose. Then it will be too late.
* Writer
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