STATIONARY ... In winter, water Pipes burst when water in them remains. Therefore, before the onset of cold weather, try to drain the water completely. For this, water must be continuous bias in one direction and be equipped with shutoff and drain valves (Fig. 1). Drain valve is installed in the lowest part. First block access water shut-off valve, and then poured the water remaining in the pipes by opening all the taps at the site and in the house. Shut-off valve for the entire winter left closed and drain and taps - open. This is done in case a shut-off valve will drop by drop to penetrate the water.
If protective measures were not taken and water damaged the winter, will have to replace the burst pipe portion. Fixing a broken pipe - not a simple matter, and can not always cope with it on their own. Temporarily repair water sometimes use pieces of durable rubber hose. To do this, sawn damaged pipe in two places, remove the damaged area, and the free ends of the pipe connecting piece of the hose tightly screwing his thick wire. So we can replace even a missing square in the water, just bend the hose should have a large radius. A small crack in a pipe can be temporarily repaired epoxy glue. Draining of water supply remaining water, the damaged area thoroughly dried and applied epoxy adhesive and hardener. When the glue has hardened, damaged area tightly wrapped with a 2 - 3 layers of adhesive tape, or tight turns of twine, and impregnated with epoxy glue.
SOFT ...
Often at the site there is only one water-point for the garden hose connection. This is inconvenient: the length of the hose may not be enough to irrigate the site Yes, and drag the hose over the part to be careful. You can build on the site an extensive water supply network with multiple draw-off points with conventional rubber or plastic hose that can withstand water pressure with the stock. Experience shows that such water may reliably serve several seasons. The hose is better to lay along the tracks and cover the top with boards, or bury in the ground at 10-15 cm to not inadvertently overlogging shovel. In a "soft" water pipe, as in the usual, all the faucets and valves for the winter must necessarily remain open. But if such plumbing for the winter and stay a little water, it will not hurt him. Flexible hoses for any frost retain flexibility and are not broken. For conclusions to draw- points are best used tees, made of copper tubing. Copper - one of the most resilient metals, and risk of rupture of the tee is much ice less. The ends of the tee should be as short as possible, and the diameter of pipes - so that they are firmly included in the hose that is attached with cable ties wire (Fig. 5).
If the site is no standing water, you can build a temporary stand-alone, using soft hoses, as described above.
you need an electric or Petrol pump, you can use the manual piston. They are available industry. The pump is installed in boreholes or on the shore of the pond. In the latter case, constructing a wooden walkway or a small raft, fit and the inner tube.
pump feeding water into the tank, which is set as high as possible (in the attic or on special poles). After all, depends on water pressure. For example, if the water level in the tank is located at a height of 3 m, the pressure in the hoses will be about 0.3 atm.
you need an electric or Petrol pump, you can use the manual piston. They are available industry. The pump is installed in boreholes or on the shore of the pond. In the latter case, constructing a wooden walkway or a small raft, fit and the inner tube.
pump feeding water into the tank, which is set as high as possible (in the attic or on special poles). After all, depends on water pressure. For example, if the water level in the tank is located at a height of 3 m, the pressure in the hoses will be about 0.3 atm.
device for monitoring the water level in the tank shown in Figure 2. It is extremely simple: float (wooden chock, a piece of foam) is connected to a cord, thrown through the block, with bright colored weights. Cord length is chosen so that when the tank is filled top to bottom, bob is at the mark near the bottom. The position of the weights can always be know how much water is left.
If you have an electric pump, you can automate the filling of the tank. The principle of this automatic device is also simple. Here is one of the options: float secured to a lever arm which is free, falling, when filling the tank with water, at some point opens contacts supply pump (Fig. 3). With automatic water supply tank can be small.
SUN warms up water
water from an artesian wells is very clean, tasty. But it is too cold for irrigation of many crops. Therefore, usually set the barrel on the open nezatemnennom place and fill it with water from a hose. During the day the water is heated, and in the evening it spread around the site watering can. This, of course, difficult and time consuming. But a slight improvement will allow water garden with water, heated by the sun, straight from the hose. To do this, connect the tank to the water supply. The tank must be have a capacity sufficient for a single irrigation - a standard barrel from the oil and lubricants for 200-250 hp. Such a barrel, painted black, is set in a small brick platform in the open sun. In the lower part of the drilled hole and welded connection, supported by pipe. At the top of the conclusion to attach garden hose. At the inlet water pipe must be shut-off valve (Fig. 4).
When watering valve open and flowing into the tank of cold water pushes up the less dense warm water. Heated by the sun, it comes under pressure the hose.
NOTE. Using the barrel out of fuel and lubricants, be especially careful. Before welded to her nipples, Wash its hot water and detergent. For complete safety, to avoid explosion during welding or brazing barrel should be filled with water.
Irrigation hose.
for water supply and our industry produces garden hose SHP-1 and SHP-2. In their kit, apart from the hose - rubber tubing with a total length of 30 m, includes connection fitting, nipple, sealing ring, nuts and nozzles, scattering the water. Such hoses attached to the half-inch or inch pipe with a nipple with a nipple. Hose SHP-1 can join and to household taps KP-15. Custom hoses connected to a pipe with cable ties made of thick soft wire, which is tightly tightened, the hose is not torn off by water pressure. If your site a few water-points, and standard Hose not, switch it from one point to another long and troublesome. expedite and facilitate the job possible, if at the end of the hose to strengthen universal self-locking coupling. This adapter quickly and easily put on a water pipe or faucet and just as easily removed from them. True, it can only make on a lathe, for example in the school workshop, copper, aluminum or steel bar.
adapter, as shown in our picture, consists of dkuh parts, connecting on a groove between the which is inserted strip of thick (3 - 4 mm) of soft rubber with a hole in the center. Diameter of hole should be about half the diameter of the pipe, which should be put on the hose. This provides a good seal. If the hose must be connected to pipes and taps in various diameters, it will have to stock a set of interchangeable ear pads with different diameter holes. Outer edge strips can be cut with scissors - are high precision is not required, but the internal hole must be perfectly smooth and round. It must be cut metal pipe required diameter, its edges sharpened.
universal adapter tube that is inserted into the hose will keep it tight and safe, if carved on it tapered stepped notches, as shown in the figure. Notches should be ameliorated by the end of diameters to fit well to any hose.
If you make two universal adapter and second to strengthen at the other end of the hose, you can set different watering nozzles and sprayers.
And finally: the hose too, requires careful treatment and care. If, after watering it is thrown between the beds and exposed to sunlight, its life is much reduced. K Moreover, it can occur, overlogging accidentally with a shovel. Therefore, each time after watering remove the hose in the shade. The best place to store - It is specially made for him a drum, mounted on a homemade chassis. The construction of such a drum is shown on this page.
App. Magazine Junior Technician № 5-83g.
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