fence of wire mesh is better than any wooden fence. And lasts longer, and does not obscure the plants. Poles to install it can be any: steel or asbestos cement, concrete, or, at worst, made of wood. However, concrete poles easily make yourself. Form for them to serve as asbestos cement pipe. And so the concrete did not stick to the walls inside her promaslivayut. In the concrete is pre- should make the holes for the installation of anchor bolts and fastening the wire. After all, when the concrete has hardened, hollow them will be very difficult.
And now proceed to the most troublesome business - making wire mesh. The most common sizes of cells 80 x 80 60 x 60 45 x 45 mm. Figure 1 shows a device simple device which will facilitate our work. It is designed for cell 80 x 80 mm. Wire, to avoid confusion, concentric circles on the pitcher throws the drum - an inverted bucket, put on a wide board. Position fix bucket load. With the drum wire is fed to a segment of steel channels, which are three clips. By changing the position of the central one to regulate the tension wire. And to make videos easier to rotate, the screws that serve as axles, both sides put on a restrictive washers thickness 1-1,5 mm.
prepared for weaving wire wipe with a cloth dampened with plenty of engine oil, and sent to the bending machine, mounted on a flat steel plate. The length of the plate corresponds height of the grid. Fastens it to a lasting desktop.
prepared for weaving wire wipe with a cloth dampened with plenty of engine oil, and sent to the bending machine, mounted on a flat steel plate. The length of the plate corresponds height of the grid. Fastens it to a lasting desktop.
machine itself (Fig. 1) is a thick-walled steel pipe, which rotates the knife out of a solid strip steel. In the pipe is cut 4 - 5-mm spiral groove angle of 45 degrees to the axis. 5 cm from the edge of the groove pipe ends with a round hole. The pipe is welded to the steel angle so that the weld does not cover the groove. A corner is attached to the base. Correct installation support govern washers. Knife in the groove of the shaft is fixed with a screw or pin.
Shaft should rotate freely, and the gap between the walls of the pipe and the knife is 0,5 - 1 mm.
Desk have so stretched at an angle of wire came up on the receiving drum. This may be counter to which is attached a wooden rod or pole (Fig. 2).
weaving operation performed in that order. End of the wire bent in the shape of the hook for half the cell length, stretch the wire through groove tube and attach to the edge knife. Then rotate the crank until the long wire will not get the wave shape. Out of a wave-like machine billet is cut into lengths equal to the height plus half the fence height of the cell, and the twist on the desktop. The finished mesh is wound onto the shaft of the host drum.
weaving operation performed in that order. End of the wire bent in the shape of the hook for half the cell length, stretch the wire through groove tube and attach to the edge knife. Then rotate the crank until the long wire will not get the wave shape. Out of a wave-like machine billet is cut into lengths equal to the height plus half the fence height of the cell, and the twist on the desktop. The finished mesh is wound onto the shaft of the host drum.
most suitable material for weaving mesh - soft wire with a diameter of 2,2 mm. Note that the interval 1,45 m flat wire turns 1 m wavy. So, for the manufacture of the grid with a cell 80 x 80 mm will require a coil of wire length 36.35 m (25 sections of 1 m).
Before how to pull the net, dock together the individual pieces (Fig. 3). The easiest way to do this, unscrew the extreme wire. Attaching together the ends of pieces, Connect them out with wire. No trace in this case will not be noticeable. There is another way: the ends of a line segment connecting wire, piercing of the cell, like the spokes (Fig. 3). But in both cases the wire is better divided into two parts and connecting pieces with two sides. After all, stretch the wire by half the width grid much easier.
When grid connected, it can be assigned to posts. If they mounted wooden cross, the operation is not difficult: grid is slightly stretched and nailed. Untrained posts require a strong pull.
executed it well. Through the extremes of the cell is passed steel rod. Rope attached to him, and with his help pull the net. Figure 4 shows several adaptations for this operation. The easiest way use the leverage - a long sturdy pole, one end so as not to slide, lowered into the hole and the other pulling the ropes. You can use the threaded tension coupling or onion, twisting a strong double-rope or cable. But it must have support for what could hook onion or sleeve: a tree, pole or wall building. A very simple - to dig into the ground beam.
to a pole or wire mesh fastened with bolts and washer large diameter. Last mount, of course, more reliable and tidy.
executed it well. Through the extremes of the cell is passed steel rod. Rope attached to him, and with his help pull the net. Figure 4 shows several adaptations for this operation. The easiest way use the leverage - a long sturdy pole, one end so as not to slide, lowered into the hole and the other pulling the ropes. You can use the threaded tension coupling or onion, twisting a strong double-rope or cable. But it must have support for what could hook onion or sleeve: a tree, pole or wall building. A very simple - to dig into the ground beam.
to a pole or wire mesh fastened with bolts and washer large diameter. Last mount, of course, more reliable and tidy.
Shuts down the paint. More convenient to work together, standing on both sides of the fence. Each color to his side, helping each stained-weave the most inaccessible places. Better use a brush, paint roller weave not paint over.
and we do not regret time. Because of how well Through Coloured Rustic Candles grid, depends its life. In short, conscientious work pays off with a vengeance.
A. Mironov. engineer's drawings. Journal of Lefty.
and we do not regret time. Because of how well Through Coloured Rustic Candles grid, depends its life. In short, conscientious work pays off with a vengeance.
A. Mironov. engineer's drawings. Journal of Lefty.
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