XarxaTic a facebook on April 21, 2011 publicava a força interessant article:
Constitutional Court on readmission has become a "catechist" (sorry, consider the same level as the teacher of mine, a lord or lady, more or less friendly-giving religion and have been handpicked by Bishop on duty does not come out) that was ten years fighting because they had away from the classroom (they had not renewed the contract) for marrying a divorcee, I want to write about the expense of the "indoctrination" school in our country. These astronomical sums that few of us ask and on which there is much hearsay.
Well, I think that plays to one-time numbers and reveal the great mystery, sometimes a newspaper of ideology rather "party" has tried to uncover. To do this, I'll only be based on objective data we can get, as inferred from a
Rafael Artacho article where he talks about those "catechists" (which called professors of religion) and, through him out the data to the public. That article talks about the existence of a Concordat with the Vatican (which no U.S. government has dared to challenge and not for propaganda purposes) negotiated in 1979 and the typology to be met these "catechists". But the interesting thing is the number of them, according to data presented in this study (based on the course 2006-2007), we find that the quantity (funded public) is as follows: 9800 between childhood and primary (3100 and 6700 in children in primary)
Well, I think that plays to one-time numbers and reveal the great mystery, sometimes a newspaper of ideology rather "party" has tried to uncover. To do this, I'll only be based on objective data we can get, as inferred from a
4300 in secondary education (3500 and 800 in the you know in high school)
Therefore, a first approach to the spending of such teachers and, establishing an average of about 2000 euros per month for each of them (gross wages, averaging between the salary of a teacher in primary and one secondary - as they charge the same as a teacher of mathematics, languages, etc .-), we would find: 14100 "catechists" for those 2000 euros / month = 28200000 EUR / month
If this is multiplied by the annual amount (twelve times before), we find that "catechists"
cost to the treasury State (taxes paid by all English), the amount of
only "catechists" spend annually around 340 million euros . But that spending does not end here
as schools have the obligation to offer an alternative for students who do not wish to study the subject of Religion, which also must have a teacher (in this case a subject curriculum: social, language, etc.) which has to cover those hours. That means that you
are doubling spending and , from these 340 million in 680 million per year . If you still want to go further and consider Citizenship Education as an indoctrination (in this case by the "potato state"), we find that under report UGT on hours given this matter (for courses and number of hours) and perform roughly the sum for all ACs and handed out by a teacher during school hours (from primary or secondary in each case), could represent more than a thousand full-time faculty dedicated to providing it, which would increase by EUR 2000000 / month above (or 24 million euros a year ).
therefore indoctrination (religious or state) in our country costs more than 700 million euros a year . But instead of cutting to the chase, the governments all raised to increase the number of teachers to teach other religions or can get to raise new subjects to "train the spirit" of their future voters.
is a place to put the scissors, but it is always better to reduce other less essential items such as "indoctrination" and look good with some "powers" in this country (and I'm not referring only to the religious). do not know, I think trying to make an objective analysis, you could have something that can be of square, but I would love it if so this would open a debate to rebut this article. facebook XarxaTic to the April 21, 2011
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