Saturday, May 28, 2011

Tex Capacity Exceded[input Stack Size]


good, comfortable shower consists of a cab, heater, feed bins and the system of aqueducts.
for hot water unit can be manufactured using industrial furnace or make it yourself. Usually flush such wood stoves that have a high yield of volatile substances, and so preference should be given a vertical water heaters that have the highest furnace. Very convenient for our purposes, the old titanium, which not so long ago was widely used in urban apartments. Aligning the furnace heater with titanium, can be get very comfortable in all respects, hot water plant, suitable even for the binary separation.

Figure 1 (top) numbers mean: 1 - Hot water column, 2 - hot water pipe, 3-outlet hot water, 4-pot of hot water, 5 - connecting pipe; 6 - pot of cold water; 7 - sink of cold water, 8 - cold aody; 9-pump, 10-slatted floor, 11 - filter., 12 sewage pit, 13-stock, 14 - waste water, 15 - mixer; 16-valve.
Figure 2 (bottom) numbers mean: 1 - Hot water column, 2 - drain hot water, 3-tank of cold water, 4 - pressure tank of hot water, 5 - pressure tank of cold water, 6-valve, 7 - slatted floor, 8 - stock 9 - sewage pit.
Particular attention should be paid to the outlet pipe insulation from the ceiling and roof. Pipe is better to use asbestos, wrapping it in several layers of fire-felting the site of contact.
consider several schemes of shower installations.
To wash, man enough 40 - 50 liters of hot water. Counting on a three-person capacity water heater should be 120 - 150 liters per hour at a temperature of 40 degrees. This volume is quite enough and warm water for irrigation of vegetable crops in the spring and autumn.
consider the scheme of showers plants presented in Figures 1 and 2.
using manual or electric pump system is filled with cold water to a level-controlled drain tube. Then melt the water heater and water temperature was adjusted to 70 - 80 degrees. Heated to the boiling point should not be, otherwise the scum will be formed. Hot water goes on rising pipe into the tank and replaced by a more severe cold, coming from another tank on down the pipe. The better the circulation, the evenly and quickly heat will occur. And there is no pump, water can be poured into the tank with a bucket of a ladder. Then drain pipe do not necessarily.
choose a system of water supply and hot water unit, you can begin construction.
But first you must choose a location. Better to place a shower away from home on fire-resistant area. The possibility of water supply arrangement and a suction well to treatment.
Shower should be simple in design. The minimum dimensions of 1,5 x 1,25 m set it on concrete or brick foundation. Area under the shower unit set in concrete with a slight slant towards the sewer. Top instead of a floor can be installed wooden lattice. If the same bed plank floors, they should do with a bias to the center, to avoid stagnation of water at the baseboards and thresholds.
few words about the design of nutrient and water tanks. Usually use metal or wooden barrels. Tanks hold closed mi avoid getting dust in them
Pressure tanks for hot and cold water, select no more than 50 - 80 liters. Over-capacity will require a lot of time to heat. In order not to clog the system, part of the water deposited in her wheels must remain in the tank. Precipitate from the bottom periodically removed.
for corrosion protection of nutrient and pressure tanks are painted. End of the suction pipe being connected to the pump, as well as the ends pipes for hot and cold water inside the pressure vessels shield mesh filters, the total cross section of holes that must be greater than the bore pipe.
drain well can oblitsevat inside tires, the shredder. This well is not washed out by water, is cheap and easy to manufacture.
constructed shower, over time, it is easy to turn it into a bath, attach to the shower steam. The walls of the pair can be chopped or carcass with filler from the slag or slag wool, decorated the inside of the board of hardwood timber. Best for this purpose, suitable aspen. Under a covering tamp layer of thin aluminum foil to retain heat better. Insulate the ceiling and floor, and as they say: "Enjoy Your Bath!»
Voronin Pictures V. Zavalova


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